Patients of all Ages

& Dental Emergencies Welcome!

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Emergency Dentist in Cleveland, TN

Do you have a dental emergency? Call Bradley Dental Center at below to schedule a priority appointment! Our caring staff will help relieve your pain and get your smile back in top shape right away.

Call (423) 473-7500

What Is a Dental Emergency?

By a dental emergency, we mean any oral health problem that needs immediate treatment to relieve you of severe pain, handle bleeding that won't stop, or save your tooth. 

If the pain or bleeding is not going away with at-home care, you should schedule an emergency appointment. If you aren't sure if your situation is an emergency, give us a call at
(423) 473-7500. Our staff will advise you on whether you should schedule an emergency appointment and how to manage your symptoms.

I Need an Emergency Appointment

Signs of a Dental Emergency

The most common sign of a dental emergency is a severe, sudden toothache that won't go away with over-the-counter medicine. But there are other signs that require immediate treatment. These signs include:

  • Chipped, broken or cracked tooth
  • Loose or lost adult tooth
  • An oral abscess (mouth, tongue, or gums)
  • Painful gum inflammation 
  • Unexplained swelling (gums, cheeks, or jaw)
  • Gums that won't stop bleeding
  • Lost dental crowns or filling
  • Trauma to the mouth

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, call Bradley Dental Center right away for an emergency appointment. Delaying your care may lead to infection, tooth loss, and long-term damage to your oral health.

I Have Dental Emergency

What to Expect at an Emergency Appointment

Your comfort and oral health are our top priorities. When you visit Bradley Dental Center for your emergency treatment, our caring staff will apply any necessary first aid measures and help you manage your pain. 

Dr. Dill will examine the affected area to diagnose the emergency. This may include diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays of your teeth or gums. 

Once he has determined the source of the problem, Dr. Dill will make sure you understand what caused your dental emergency, and discuss your treatment options with you. If we need to schedule your treatment for another day, our team will advise you on how to care for your teeth and manage your pain at home.

I Need Emergency Treatment

What Should I Do if I've Lost a Tooth?

If your adult tooth has been knocked out, we may be able to save it if you follow these first aid steps:

  • Pick up your tooth by the crown, not by the root
  • Carefully inspect the tooth to see that it is not broken or fractured. 
  • Gently rinse your tooth in a bowl of lukewarm water for no more than 10 seconds.
  • If you can, place the tooth gently back in its socket and hold it there until you can see us for your emergency appointment. 
  • If you can't put your tooth back in the socket, store it in a small cup of milk and bring it with you to your emergency appointment. 
I Lost My Adult Tooth

We're Here To Help!

Emergency Dentistry

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